Things Unspeakable

   Things Unspeakable

Words.They are my absolute favorite!!!…Beautiful, showing off their origins, like ruffles of a petticoat or revealing the sole of their boots to hint at their have-beens and ethnic background. Vibrant,creating, potent, sharp as a tack…


The human mind is in constant search for words to structure the external world, bring order to the chaos of experience and make sense of it.Words create our reality from the inside out, building the verbal scaffolding to support our creation. 

But when words approach Divinity and the realms outside of the telestial, our words, serviceable and precise…ALL fall prostrate to the ground like palm branches that welcome a colt through the gates of the Holy City, overcome, humbled and speechless! The spiritual domain is full of things unnameable, exquisite, unrenderable…”This world” expressions are unable to “come to terms” with the glimpses of the higher one. Like Isaiah, struck dumb at the temple altar, our words stand in solemnity and awe and tumble to their knees next to the shepherds and the Magi.

The translation of John 1 seems somewhat misleading by interpreting Logos as“ the word”. In human perception “a word” is a phrase, a static pronouncement, a completed utterance. But in Greek logos is also “reason,” or “plan” implicit in the cosmos, ordering it and giving it form and meaning. Christ becomes the principle of God active in the creation and the continuous structuring of the Universe.Thus Word is more of a dynamic “passage”, the Way of living and being, an alignment with Truth, Love and Universal Wisdom. It is the unfolding of divine Intelligence.

Intelligence settles like heavenly dew, descends like manna in deserted locations, known only to those receiving the heavenly nourishment. Attempting to articulate what one spiritually experiences in fleshy terms is like shoving a baking potato in a dainty Victorian teacup.Try building a sand castle out of ether, substituting powdered sugar for a hardened brick of brown… or strapping the exultant sound of Mozart down to the electric chair of a phrase.

Words or thoughts without feeling are like a bridegroom without a bride.Like nails in the hand of an undertaker. Is there an upper taker, too?

The spiritual realms transcend out of thinking and reasoning into heart centred knowing, feeling and being.The word bricks have fallen… And the gift of the Holy Ghost remains “unspeakable” (D&C 121:26).

The rhetorical “What more could he say than to you he hath said ?” then, merits not the implied “everything has already been said”,  but rather : there’s MORE to be said than the current consciousness and its verbiage have bandwidth for…And our hearts too, so accustomed to flutter within the confines of a rib cage that they can not fathom soaring any place outside of it.

The unspeakable things are ever plucking at the heart harp, knowing that in order for the organ to begin to attune to the highest notes it needs to expand in its perception of the lowest timbres.They linger at the cusp of a singing bowl, hover with the gentle sound a of wind chime…calming the morse code chatter of the mind.

The unspeakable things enlarge understanding, expand our hearts and overcome our very physical frames.

Some things are too disembodied for utterance.They are defiled by mortal spokesmanship and stand on the outskirts of Language which has become so infused with the bellicose matrix of fear. The unspeakable things are the ones no eye hath seen nor ear heard and as such they defy all knowns. They settle on conditions of utmost humility in spaces where the Newness of Life is made room for.

They levitate in the eleventh harmonic, innocent and without guile. They spread the table in the unspoken realms of the Upper room where there are no victims because there are no oppressors. All is in harmony and in balance. And opposites are only for contrast, for being known.


May the unspeakable things feel welcome in our reality, until they linger no longer, but are here…to stay.


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