


As citizens of a Multiverse we are placed on Earth with a veil drawn over the evolution and former sojourn of humanity, our past incarnations and any other premortal experience we might hold. It is also a veil over the Laws that govern the limitless worlds and space we no longer remember… Such forgetfulness was necessary, perhaps, to allow for firsthand encounters with the very workings of these laws, to gain experiential knowledge of them and begin to discern the underlying forest behind the recognizable trees…

The first of such Universal Laws is the Law of Oneness.There are aspects of Oneness that have become more apparent to us as a collective consciousness. We see a connection between all things living, between matter and things immaterial. Even the taken to its extreme perceived dichotomy between genders is more obvious now than ever…That men-from Mars and we - from Venus they said to intervene between us, but  like two faces of a coin we’re joined like womb unto a loin…

However, some aspects of Oneness are perhaps less apparent.

Man and God

Nothing has done more damage than the perception of our separateness from God!!! Yet we are gods, all part of a grand family of Father and Mother. How can one extricate a wave from the ocean, the one from the whole? Take a child away from the embrace of his mother … to see if perchance  that can stop her from feeling love for him… No intervention of space and time can stand between such Love, nor between the ties that exist and any parent can attest to. Perception of separateness is the only thing that separates us from our Heavenly Parents. Our True selves are perfectly in sync with Them, always in Their presence, always loved and known… 

  Man and Man

Everything that creates duality or division, anything that causes us to oppose another human being is contrary to the law of Oneness and our True Nature. Even if a human being chooses to exercise their agency contrary to what we perceive as right, they are not our enemy. Loving our enemies becomes effortless and natural when we realise that the only enemy there is is enmity itself. For every day the Sun rises over all, the Jew and the Gentile, a genuine disciple and the modern-day Pharisee, one who professes Christ and one who does not.

Heart and Mind

            The Modern age has long held superiority of intellect over emotion. Firmly stuck between Thought and Mind, like a rock and the hard place, we honour the letter of the law above Spirit, a word firmly printed into the fleshy tablet of scripture over the stirring spiritual impression. But like a scalpel in the hand of a surgeon, Logic and Reason have proven their ability to cut, to separate tissues, not Heal…

Creating and the Created

        The union of thought and feeling, required for the process of creation, evades us. Yet like fire and water, used by all earthly creators, be it in the baking of bread, the forging of steel or in the turning of  the watery sand into brick, feelings and thoughts are the medium of creation. 


We create what we fear. We create what we believe. We create what we desire.

The more appropriate question therefore to be asked as one parts the dimensional veil is not “What is wanted?”, for both Need and Want are but the two sides of Lack, but “What is desired?” For only Desire holds the delicate balance of will and vision and has sufficient power to bring into physical reality the outcome one holds in the heartmind of consciousness. 

The disempowering notion of a human being but a victim of circumstance and subject to external forces of Creator or Creation, has been perpetuated, standing between us and the reality of our God-given power to create, to have impact on cause and effect. 

God makes man out of the earthly elements and clay. Any parent who has had the audacity to face the unpredictable aftermath of a toddler and a piece of playDough, has experienced  the god-like tenacity for creating, moulding things out of the elements at hand… There’s no stopping of that drive to create, to bring things into existence! 

We lose sight of it over time. But whether we are aware of it or not, it’s still there, alive and well…Like children with matches in our hands we go around striking against the side of a box and then wonder why the world we live in is ablaze with conflict, strife, war… 

We keep waiting for the Lord to come and transform this world into a new one, radically different, revamped and utterly beautiful  … All the while overlooking our responsibility and power in bringing such a world into being. We take on a passive stance expecting a miracle to happen before and to us, not through us…

Sowing all day, we reap. We get what we send out, receive what we expect and manifest what we believe in. Vibrating Fear or Animosity we anticipate Peace and unconditional Love…Holding darkness within, we hope to find Light without.

Whether we see the Universal laws at play, and perhaps our violation of such, does not prevent them from being in effect. But if it is Oneness we desire, perhaps we should consider this elephant in the room of the Universe, where Oneness, like Salvation, is created…


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