The Abominable in OUR MIDST


The Abominable in OUR MIDST

“We should waste and wear

 out our lives in bringing to light 

all the hidden things of darkness, 

wherein we know them…” 

Joseph Smith (D&C 123:13)

As a preface to the message below, I would like to clarify that, its purpose is not to throw “blanket” derogatory statements regarding the LDS organisation,  but reveal a presence of “conspiring men” in our midst, who have deliberately disguised themselves as the Lord's representatives. Their intent and methods are absolutely foul. However, the equally powerful presence of “the honest in heart” on all levels of the institution is also undeniable. The only purpose here is to create awareness and extend a warning. 

There is a strong tendency these days to perceive anything and everything that “challenges” testimonies and belief systems as “Anti-Mormon”.  Acting out of a place of such utter duality as one attempts to “defend the cause of Truth'' shoots us miserably, painfully in the foot. Those that dare ask questions and encourage others to do the same are perceived as selfish “follower-seekers” or just “dangerous folks” one should avoid as the plague. Truth be told, that just happens to be THE recipe to welcome the aforementioned plague... Accusing others of taking an “anti” stance, we ourselves become antagonistic. Caught in what feels like a justified “righteous indignation”, we mistakenly perceive those that stand with Christ and not with the prophet as the enemies of God and Truth. 

Universal Apostasy

While the LDS church as a whole claims to know much about the Apostasy that occurred shortly after Christ’s crucifixion, little or no attention is given to “ the falling away”,  that according to scripture, IMMEDIATELY PRECEDES the Lord’s second coming.The great persecutor, “the apostate” infiltrates the church from within “in the last days”, prior to the “burning of the field” of the world (D&C 86:3-4). The parable of the watchtower is also descriptive of the falling away of “the true church”, organised by the Lord, but left in the hands of slothful servants who perceived no need to guard against the enemy (D&C 101: 43-69).

 It is not uncommon for us to assume that the reference to the falling away of “all churches” means all, excepting the LDS church. Yet the Lord makes no such exception.Time and time again He makes it very clear that “all” means ALL! ( 2 Nephi 28:14). The dangerous practice of looking outward and pointing our finger of judgement at “those people”, has left us vulnerable and blind to the MASSIVE internal infiltration by the adversary which has been under way for decades.

How “awful” is awful?

The Book of Mormon, written for us and our time, extends an invitation to “awaken to a sense of our awful situation” and recognize the presence of secret combinations among us (Ether 8:24). Just how awful is “awful” takes a lot of courage to recognize and admit. 

Inviting members of the church to enter covenants to avoid “every unholy and impure practice”, its leaders have preposterously been engaging in practises that are nothing short of abominable! The scale of corruption within the LDS church is SO HUGE, one struggles to muster the bandwidth to comprehend it.

In the recent years some have come forth to testify of being victims of satanic ritual abuse, sexual abuse in all of its shapes, forms and age groups, blood and human sacrifices as well as the use of hypnosis and trauma to erase memories within the LDS church. Revealing the arms of this evil  hydra is a challenging and sickening task, considering that most would rather believe in unicorns than hydras. Yet, our reluctance to believe is exactly what feeds it and allows it to grow, like cancer that overtakes the body until the course of the terminal illness is irreversible.  It is our inability to believe that puts the most innocent and vulnerable among us and, truth be told, all that choose to put their trust in church leadership, in danger, both spiritual and physical. 

Glenn L. Pace Memorandum

Over 30 years ago Bishop Glenn L. Pace submitted a report on Ritualistic child abuse, having met with 60 victims, most of them being from the state of Utah. Pace reports that the subjects he met with experienced premeditated and systematic torture inflicted on them by close relatives, often parents. The intent is to create enough pain for the person to dissociate and develop a multiple personality disorder. This in turn allows the subjects to remain unconscious of what happened and continue to live “normal lives” until adulthood, when the latent memories begin to surface, either inadvertently or triggered by something. 

The victims recalled incestual relationships, the presence of one or both parents during the abuse, participants dressed in robes or masks, witnessing people hurt or even killed as well as  participating in the sacrifices, including killing their own offspring. Making their victims complicit in the abuse gives the perpetrators additional leverage in keeping things secret. Although when these accounts are brought to light, most reject them as fraudulent attempts to slander “the good name of the church”. 

Among the abusers the victims have identified people they know in their lives: YM and YW presidents, bishops, patriarchs, stake presidents, temple workers, members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Such cross section reveals that those involved in these evil practises are present on all levels of the church leadership ladder.

According to Pace’s study, it is common for the victims to be suicidal. Their atrocious conditioning is such that upon regaining access to the memories of the early life nightmares and making any attempt to disclose those, the threat of either losing their loved ones or their own life placed during the abuse, reemerges also.    

Another crucial piece Pace came across in the interviews is Satanic indoctrination, which is hardest to overcome. Its purpose is not only to undermine the doctrine of Christ and the Father, but put it on its head. The victims walk away having been told that it is Satan and not the Lord that cares about them the most. A complete reversal of the value system occurs, where good is bad, bad is good and Satan is to reign on the earth during the Millenium. Altering, mutilating and subverting Christ’s teachings altogether, has been the ploy of the Adversary since the beginning of time. Why then are we astonished that this effort has continued in our time? 

The report of Glenn L. Pace is not a single brushstroke against vile perpetrators, but one of countless heartbreaking  accounts, reports and testimonials that shed uncomfortable light on the issue. 

Denying the presence of Opposition

“Materialism does not concern itself with Evil” ( Rudolph Steiner). And by default, it doesn’t truly concern itself with the things of God. Materialism, which has been taking hold of Christianity for centuries, only concerns itself with things that can be seen or proven scientifically or through tangible evidence of one kind or another. With imperceptible subtlety the adversary influences our thinking, as we remain unaware. 

Our inability or refusal to recognize evil for what it is a reflection of our own spiritual condition. One cannot conquer the enemy he cannot perceive!!! Much less so if one thinks such enemy does not exist…Denying the work of the adversary, we deny the principle of Opposition in all things, so clearly presented to us in the “most correct book”  at our disposal. 

From sacred covenants to secret oaths

The adversary always makes a mock of all things sacred, flaunting his power and ability to remain concealed in plain sight, blending in like a colour-changing reptile. His intent is “to rule with blood and horror on this earth”. And he maintains his dominance  through inviting others to enter into secret oaths, a parody on sacred covenants God makes with HIs children ( Moses 5:29-31). 

Secret oaths are directly tied to obtaining power, wealth, prominence and recognition by those that seek them (Ether 8:16). It allows those that enter into such contracts to get away with “all manner of wickedness and whoredoms” ( ibid). Sadly, entering into such oaths  which are “had among all people” becomes the cause of the people’s destruction (Ether 8:20, 21). All people?!?!?! Surely not us!!!! But “all” once again means ALL!!!

Anyone who has ever played the game of hide and seek knows that the best hiding place is where nobody would think to look. And while there might be merit to being able to see the “good in the world”,  turning a blind eye to permeating evil all about us accomplishes only one thing: it provides perfect conditions for it to flourish. 

Dressed in finest wool clothing, there are wolves among us, masquerading as shepherds and seers. The extent of hypocrisy with which they claim to be witnesses of Christ and lead others all the while engaging in the most hideous evil practises is heartbreaking and unfathomable. But seeing them for who they truly are is critical now more than ever. As is the urgency for those, who have been warned to warn the unsuspecting neighbour!!!! ( D&C 88:82).


P.S. Listed below are some sources that document and support the claims of this essay. The sheer number of these is sobering and speaks volumes, impossible to dismiss…


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