God Would NEVER!!!


God would NEVER!!!

        The abundance of “god would nevers” in our midst is frightening.It is indicative of only one thing… That we, like Samaritans at the time of Christ , no longer know what and who we worship.
        God would never allow a prophet to lead His covenant people astray. He would never destroy out of mercy. He would never ask to break a lower law to live a higher one. He would never…
        God would never allow for a genocide to take place. He would never ask us to leave our homes, forsaking abundance and material stability. No, never…God would not allow for persecution of the righteous.
        Just like He doesn’t allow for martyrdom, false accusations, unfairness, pain, loss, suffering. Never!!!!
        He would never require a sacrifice of all earthly things, including relationships. That’s for those in the olden days. We sacrifice our broken heart.That will do. Not our talents, possessions, our time and our very lives. That’s not necessary. That’s for the establishment of Zion, whenever that is…God would NEVER!!!!
God would never favor a farm boy or a fisherman over someone in priesthood authority. God would never ask us to love all, with no distinction, no -ites. He would certainly never ask us to transcend differences, to drop lawsuits and bless those who hate us. He would never!!!!

Or would He?


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