Swordlike Words


Swordlike Words


Within my heart, there is a fire

A forging place for swordlike words

Where Truth is welded with Desire

And all the dross is left unturned...

How easy "to return with honor"

And recognition to embrace,

Than brave humiliation corner

For Salem trial to take place. 

I won’t recoil, I am not sorry. 

I won’t put on the robe of shame.

This is my Father’s work and glory 

He doesn’t change, He is the same.

I’ve come to love you, though unwanted, 

To speak the words that pierce through, 

That few can take and be undaunted,

Remember what they all once knew.

A memory with no reflection,

I am losing everyone’s affection.

But like Edith Piaf times ten

I sing “Je ne regrette rien!”

Within my heart, there is a fire

A forging place for swordlike words

I haven’t come to be admired, 

But bring the Truth that heals and burns!!!


  1. Great poetry! What’s your background?

  2. You will be sick of hearing me say this, but you need to publish your writings In a hardcopy book that cannot be digitally erased Cindy❤️


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