Be Still


Be Still


Time is flowing like a river

And it cannot spill.

Take your moments from the Giver,

 And be still, be still.


You're an arrow in His quiver 

To be used at will. 

Let Him take out all the slivers

And be still, be still...


Learn your flying from the eagle,

Master every skill.

You are free and you are regal

So be still, be still.


There’s a rough stone I am seeing 

Rolling down the hill!!!

No more doing, only being, 

So be still, be still!


Let the power of the Heaven

As the dew distill.

Quiet down, it’s now or never, 

Oh, be still, be still!!!


Play the games and do the coaching 

Count your every win,

Till the Coach of all the coaches 

Puts you right back in.


Stack the moments like a tower 

With your baby girl.

Silence ends in half an hour.

Count her every curl!


When your foot goes into stirrup

As I know it will

Hold your wife like it’s forever

And her heart is filled.



Time is flowing like a river

And it cannot spill.

Take the moments from the Giver,

And be still, be still.



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