Transgression or Transformation

Transgression or Transformation

By Olya Lambert

Blinded by telestial scales of mortality we are often prone to misjudgment. And that which is good and holy is often considered wrong and despicable. Our lack of spiritual vision causes us to accuse glorious Transformation of being nothing but dishonorable Transgression.

Yet, at pivotal times in human history God has pulled the proverbial rug from under his children to further his purposes by altering standards and replacing lower Laws with higher ones.

The process can be so counterintuitive and in such conflict with our current paradigms, we recoil in disbelief like Eve “Is there no other way?” How can leaving paradise possibly be “the only way” to mortality, growth and progression?!!! Leaving God’s presence to return to it doesn’t make sense.... Yet God’s purposes are accomplished precisely in such a manner.

Think of Christ’s Rock, Peter who was called to go to the Gentiles in a way that would require him to break what he knew to be God’s law: "Not so, Lord. For I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean." (Acts 10:14) Peter’s reaction to Christ’s abolishment of his law of health is hardly abnormal. After all, how would YOU feel if the Lord offered you a glass of wine or, heaven forbid, a cup of freshly ground coffee? “Not so!!!”

Another classic example that comes to mind is that of Nephi, standing over Laban’s body and receiving the uncomfortable admonition from the Spirit to kill him “, Never at any time have I shed the blood of man. And I shrunk and would that I might not slay him.”( 1 Nephi 4:10). We shrink, because we think we know what is best. We have been taught the difference between right and wrong!!! We know! Right?!?!

It appears that God has a much more flexible measure of morality. What is good in one circumstance is wrong in another. There is a fluidity about it that resembles water we desperately try to hold in our cupped hands.

He didn’t send us to earth to see if we will obey perfectly all laws. Living strictly by the handbook would hardly require any faith. He sent us to learn His voice, to hear it and “to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them”. (Abraham 3:25)

Now, I am not suggesting that you rush off to Starbucks or check out the condition of your weaponry lest you need to use it in the near future. Although, these days you never know...Lol!

To me the important question is this:


What would WE be willing to do for the Lord? Especially if our sacrifice and transformation to most would appear but an ugly transgression...



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