

By Olya Lambert

Christmas is probably the only time when any of our attention is given to Mary....What we usually see is a beautiful girl holding a holy infant in perfect peace and stillness...

What we don’t see is an INSANELY courageous young woman, who much like her Son, condescended below many things and came to earth with a sacred purpose. She appeared to have broken God’s law, willing to sacrifice her life, since adultery was punishable by death. She put on the line her reputation and social status for her Son, who was also her Savior. But despite being a misunderstood outcast, she was willing to become Satan’s arch enemy as a mother and guardian of the God of Israel!!!
May we be kind to the ‘unworthy’, merciful to the outcasts and “transgressors” and nurturing of the broken-hearted, for in their seemingly fragile and sanctified hands God places what He treasures most!


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