Fragile Freedom
Fragile Freedom
One score and fourteen years ago,
standing on the west side of the Berlin wall, Ronald Reagan gave a speech that
thundered throughout the world like a powerful echo and let “freedom ring”!!!
“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this
wall!” pounded like a massive mallet at the hearts and minds of both civilians
and politicians alike, eventually removing the ugly scar of the wall from the
wounded chest of Berlin.
On the east side of the wall, far
away by the Urals, I too began to feel "the wind of change" blowing through the
streets of my enormous country, previously bound into silence and helplessness
by the Red string of communism. And the three great rights of mankind “of
Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of happiness” were finally being honored.
This change was more than
exhilarating. Gradually the shackles of fear and atheism began to fall and the
effects of Freedom became undeniable. But the price for Liberty was high in the
Soviet Union. It was paid slowly, incrementally like a seventy-year mortgage,
by the blood and suffering of millions, the only acceptable payment plan.
Here in the US, the price for
freedom was paid with the same currency. The
Lord proclaimed that He “redeemed the land by the shedding of blood” (D&C 101:80). This is a covenant
land and has been from the beginning:
this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be afree from bondage, and from captivity, and from
all other nations under heaven, if they will but bserve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ,
who hath been manifested by the things which we have written (Ether 2:12)
The cornucopia of the Lord’s blessings poured out without
measure over this land has become such “a norm” that we can no longer recognize
the source of these gifts!!! The freedoms, privileges, and standard of living
have been here for so long they seem to have merged with the landscape of this
country. We perceive these blessings as intrinsic and inherent, which is
comparable to saying that The Statue of Liberty, the Washington Monument or the
Golden Gate Bridge have “always been there”!!!
While being quick on taking up the
Lord on His side of the covenant, we fail to recognize that we are not holding
up ours, with this one nation being hardly “under God” nor being any longer
“indivisible”. We joyfully sing that “this land is for you and me", but
it’s been a while since we have paused to ask ourselves “What can we do for
this country?” We, the people, forget that freedom was never ours to have, it
was granted to us as a gift and a blessing!!!
frogs swimming in water that is increasingly getting hot, we rationalize that
what we are experiencing politically is perhaps nothing more than the effects
of "global warming" and ignore all the Red Flags, frantically billowing in our
faces!!! Freedom is fragile. The prospect of losing it seems neither real
nor probable to us, despite these wise and sobering words from Ronald Ragan:
"Freedom is never more
than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in
the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do
the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and
our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men
were free."
The thought of not having the Freedom to pass on to future
generations is mighty unsettling!!! Yet we brush it off with naiveté of little
children who cannot grasp that just like gravity applies to all living
on the planet, so do the laws of God. And if prior civilizations that peopled this
continent became subject to bondage and ultimately extinction after violating
the terms of the covenant, we can only expect the same!
We refuse to “awake to a
sense of (our) awful situation”! (Ether 8:24) We don’t want to know that once
we concede to giving up our Sovereignty in the slightest degree, it is taken from us in a charlatan bait
and switch manner by those that seek “to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and …the destruction
of all people” (Ether 8:25).
For me, coming from a country where Freedom was never a given and watching this nation trade
its Agency for safety is like observing a liberated Berlin willingly change
into the striped pajamas of Auschwitz!!! It is both horrifying and
Does “Give me liberty or give me
death” imply that when knowingly or not, we reject Liberty we are opting out
for its alternative - death? Doesn’t bondage ultimately lead to decline and
extinction? To echo the words of Patrick Henry, Ezra Taft Benson said something
along very similar lines:
“I don’t know how you feel, my
brethren and Sisters, but I’d rather be dead than lose my liberty…I do have
fear that it may slip away from us because of our own indifference, our
own negligence as citizens of this land. And so I plead with you this
morning, that you take an active interest in matters pertaining to the future
of this country...”
The cornerstone of Freedom in this
country is the Constitution. The very constitution that according to the
prophet Joseph would one day be “so torn and rent asunder,
and …hang by a thread”. Like Reagan, I do not come only “to lament”, but to
ring the Liberty Bell lest it should begin to resemble too closely the Bell
Tower of Berlin, a Nazi relic and symbol! I also share a promise of hope offered
by Joseph:
I have faith that the
Constitution will be saved as prophesied by Joseph Smith. But it will not be
saved in Washington. It will be saved by the citizens of this nation who love
and cherish freedom. It will be saved by enlightened members of this
Church – men and women who will subscribe to and abide by the principles
of the Constitution. (Our Divine
Constitution, emphasis added).
Where are those men and women? Are we those “enlightened members of this
Church”? Can we still become them? What shall we do with our Fragile Freedom?
“Arbeit Macht Frei” was the motto that millions faced
entering the Nazi labor camps. “The work will set you free”. But just like work
within a barbed wire doesn’t set anyone free, neither do unrighteousness, ignorance, or indifference!!!
Only Truth does…
So powerfully stated, I love your insights!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't understand how people don't see what is going on in this country. Are they "beyond feeling" or rather "seeing"? I feel the end coming and see the signs of the times happening all around me. My husband and I are continually seeking the further light and knowledge that God has for us in all aspects of our lives. I am grateful for those who "see" and share their thoughts and knowledge of the second coming of our Savior. Bless you.