Does God Break Up Families

Does God Break Up Families 

By Olya Lambert

Does God break up families?

I bet you have an answer to that.

My answer is .... That’s not what He wants, but He has utmost respect for our agency. Moreover, He has directed people In and out of marital relationships repeatedly, depending on how agency was exercised by both parties. He has to be flexible. And He has to keep our greater good in mind.

To say that God wants two people to stay together at all costs is SUPERBLY judgmental! As is throwing the preverbal rock at the party initiating the divorce.

And to assume that we know the details of the situation that can ONLY be seen by the persons on the INSIDE of the marital crucible is even more lacking in compassion.

Does God want us to put our life’s work of returning to Him in jeopardy in the name of preserving marital bonds? I don’t think so, for salvation is individual.

Does it break His heart when we experience marital failures? Every time.

Does He want His children to be limited in the exercise of agency or be in an abusive relationship or some other variation of unrighteous dominion in the name of preserving “an eternal marriage “ which is that in word only? Not my God.

We all make covenants with God and with each other. We promise to come unto Christ and to help each other on the way. And we control ONLY how WE fulfill our side of that agreement.

And NOTHING in those covenants says that we should endure being violated, stifled, compelled, controlled or anything of the kind.

I am NOT an advocate of divorce, which is almost always traumatic for all involved.

But I am a proponent of LOVE and AGENCY (not its cheap counterfeits), which like wildflowers often grow best on a side of a hill, with lots of room to spread, nurtured by the warmth of beautiful sunsets and caressed by the gentleness of a soft summer breeze...


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