Believe or Not Believe

Believe or Not Believe

By Olya Lambert

 Believe or not believe: that is the question...

In our world, plagued with materialism and a two dimensional outlook on life, it has become increasingly challenging to be a believer. Rational skepticism stands hand in hand with science and zooming in on the things of the Spirit, see nothing, for in the physical realm there is no “evidence of things not seen”.
We divorce modern history from eschatology, assuming we can and should, because that’s reasonable and rational. We ‘inadvertently’ adopt a secular outlook on current events, because it’s easy and it doesn’t put us in a place of being ridiculed as ‘religious fanatics’.
We find it easy to see the good in the world, but have a hard time accepting the existence and influence of its opposite, evil. It’s frightening to think that God’s opposition is alive and well, so we burry our heads in the sand and don’t. And those that dare believe such ‘doomsday nonsense’ must surely espouse into some ‘conspiracy theory’ and wear a tin hat.
When Christ walked the earth He taught preposterous things that defied both reason, tradition and the religious doctrine of the time.
Yet He invited all to be believing, to embrace the reality of good and evil, as well as many things we deem impossible or imaginary. He invites us to have an open mind!!!!
As we celebrate the season of Christ’s birth may we choose to hearken to Chtist’s admonition to “be believing“ (John 20:27) and not the Adversary’s comforting whisper to “Believe it not” (Moses 5:13)!!!!


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